Palm Trends Приложения

南方人物周刊 1.1.3
Palm Trends
南方人物周刊是由南方报业传媒集团主管、南方周末出口的综合类周刊,是国内最有影响力和权威性的新闻综合类杂志之一,也是国内人物类杂志的领导者。南方人物周刊手机客户端是集南方人物周刊的杂志内容和官方微博内容于一身,栏目包括封面报道、新闻调查、商业人物、文化娱乐人物、专题策划、图片故事、民间故事、精彩专栏等,在这里您可以免费阅读到南方人物周刊杂志最精彩的文章以及以往的经典报道,可以通过杂志官方微博的及时更新而了解当下的新闻热点和动态。我们以“记录我们的命运”、“重新打量每个生命”为宗旨,以“平等、宽容、人道”为理念,记录下这个时代的各种人物,使读者从中看到人性的力量和时代的进程,为历史留存一份底稿,为读者奉上一席精神的盛宴。SouthernPeople Weekly consolidated class weekly by the Southern NewspaperMedia Group in charge of exports to the Southern Weekend, one ofthe most influential and authoritative comprehensive news magazine,is also the leader of the People magazine.Southern People Weekly mobile client Southern People Weeklymagazine content and official micro-blog content is a part of thecover story, investigative journalism, business figures, culturaland entertainment figures, project planning, picture stories, folktales, wonderful columns, where you can read the most excitingSouthern People Weekly magazine articles as well as classicreports, magazine official microblogging timely updates about thecurrent hot news and dynamic.We record our destiny, "" re-looked at each life "for the purposeof the concept of" equality, tolerance, humanity ", recorded underthe various characters of this era, so that readers have seen thepower of human nature and the times the process of keeping historypapers, offer a seat for the reader the spirit of the feast.
飞扬军事 1.0.2
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太原新闻快报 1.0.1
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极客谈 1.0.0
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人民日报新闻 2.0.0
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人民日报推出的一款新闻产品,以强大的采访资源,为用户提供及时、权威的信息服务和有深度的观点评论,在碎阅读的时代提供完整资讯,在浅阅读的时代提供深刻思想。● 在线读报可下载当天的《人民日报》,查阅各版面信息,详细阅读文章内容。● 新闻实时关注新闻资讯第一时间权威发布。● 与微博贯通集合人民日报法人微博以及人民日报旗下子报刊官方微博,更多意见直接表达。People's Daily launched anews product, powerful interview with resources, to provide userswith timely and authoritative information services and in-depthview of comments, to provide complete information in the era ofbroken reading in shallow reading of the era of profoundthought.● online newspaperCan download the day of the "People's Daily", access to each forum,read the article.● real-time news concernNews release authority.● through the microbloggingPeople's Daily collection of corporate microblogging and thePeople's Daily's sub newspapers and official microblogging, moreopinions expressed.
电脑迷 2.0.0
Palm Trends
提供最新IT资讯和导购服务,依托电脑迷杂志的内容,提供集购买、资讯、应用为一体的一站式服务。客户端各栏目集杂志精华,更兼具时效性,微技巧、方案等特色栏目能够帮助入门用户迅速掌握IT产品使用技巧和方式,并随时获取最新最热门的IT产品应用方案。● 新闻IT业界最新资讯一站式掌握。● 导购带来最值得购买的产品,长期针对购买进行主题策划,让你买得放心,买得超值。● 微技巧拒绝废话,带来最实用简介的必杀技巧,涵盖电脑、手机、平板等各类IT产品。● 方案软件与硬件结合的综合应用方案,让你讲产品效能发挥到极致,真正改变你的IT生活。The latest IT informationand shopping guide service, relying on the contents of the computerfan magazine, to provide set purchase, information, applications asone of the one-stop service. The client part sets Magazine essence,both the timeliness, micro-skills programs and other entrycharacteristic columns can help users to quickly master the skillsand the way IT products, and ready access to the latest and mostpopular IT product applications.● NewsIT industry is one-stop master.● shopping guideMost worth buying, the theme for the purchase of long-termplanning, you buy with confidence, buy value.● micro-skillsRefused nonsense, bring the most Practical Introduction killskills, covering computers, mobile phones, tablet and other typesof IT products.● programThe combination of integrated software and hardware solutions thatenable you to speak to maximize performance, real change in thelife of your IT.
三联生活周刊 3.0.1
Palm Trends
“三联生活周刊 forandroid”是国内著名杂志《三联生活周刊》的苹果手机应用。内容每日更新,不仅有每周杂志的精选文章,还有纸媒所没有的音、视频等全新多媒体内容。2013年另有全新原创《三联生活节气》精彩文章,让人们跟随传统节气的韵律,了解有趣的民风民习,掌握养生方法,领略现已少有的文人雅趣、赏心悦事。新版本增加了个性化的栏目设置,改善了阅读体验,改进了原有的操作方式,更加符合手机碎片阅读的特点。《三联生活周刊》由中国出版集团属下的生活•读书•新知三联书店主办,是一份具有良好声誉、在主流人群中拥有广泛影响力的综合性新闻文化周刊。《三联生活周刊》的定位是做新时代发展进程中的忠实记录者。我们以“一本杂志和他倡导的生活”为口号,在力争以最快速度追踪热点新闻的前提下,更多关注新时代中的新生活观。《三联生活周刊》以独特视角、深度思考和一贯秉持的人文情怀,为读者忠实记录世界和中国发生的变化。"Life Week for android"is a famous magazine "Life Magazine" Apple mobile application.Content updated daily, not only weekly magazine featured articles,as well as paper media does not have audio, video and other newmultimedia content.2013 Another new original "Life throttle" Wonderful article, getpeople to follow the rhythm of traditional solar terms, interestingfolk people learning to understand and master health methods, tastenow rare literary elegance, delightful Wyatt things.The new version adds a personalized column setting, improvingthe reading experience, improving the original mode of operation,more in line with the characteristics of mobile reading debris."Life Week" by the China Publishing Group under the Life •Reading • Joint Publishing organized is a good reputation in themainstream population has extensive influence comprehensive newsand cultural magazine. "Life Week" position is to do a new era inthe development process of the faithful recorder. We "a magazineand his advocacy of life" as a slogan, with the fastest speed inthe effort to track the hot news of the premise, more attention tothe new era of a new outlook on life."Life Week" with a unique perspective, depth of thinking and alwaysuphold the human feelings, faithful readers record changes in theworld and China.
壹周车志 1.0.1
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壹周车志AutoWeekly客户端由《汽车周刊》杂志团队精彩呈现,以“指尖上的汽车生活”为运维理念,不断为拥有汽车的人创造更加快乐的汽车生活,为即将拥有汽车的人创造分享汽车生活的乐趣。在这里,你可以爱车,赏车,侃车。特别亮点:1、以最舒心的阅读方式,提供新鲜车讯、热点话题讨论、专业车评报告、全球汽车趣闻。2、超清官方套图一触即发、独家原创香车美女,视觉盛宴让你一饱眼福。3、支持智能关键词搜索和收藏夹功能,弹指间精彩内容无忧畅享。4、你问我答,帮助你答疑解惑,通过新浪微博,腾讯微博,微信平台您可以随时随地互动分享。5、特别提供用车小助理功能,提供油耗、维修、保养等贴心记录与提醒功能。6、与汽车爱好者、汽车编辑、街拍达人共同分享汽车品牌文化,个性酷车资讯,新车试驾体验。Weekly Car and AutoWeeklyclient is "Auto Week" magazine team exciting show, with "finger onthe car life" for the operation and maintenance philosophy,continue to own a car to create a happier life vehicles for theupcoming car ownership to share the joys of life to create a car.Here, you can car, tours car, Kan car.Special highlights:1, in the most comfortable way of reading, providing fresh carnews, hot topics, professional vehicle assessment report, theglobal automotive anecdotes.2, ultra-clear official sets of plans imminent, exclusiveoriginal Dream Car beauty, visual feast you spoiled for choice.3, support for smart keyword search and favorites featureexciting content fingertips Enjoy worry-free.4, you ask me answer, answering questions to help you throughthe Sina microblogging, Tencent microblogging, micro-channelplatform interactive sharing wherever you go.5, in particular, to provide a small car assistant function,providing fuel, repairs, maintenance and other intimate recordingand alerts.6, and car enthusiasts, automotive editor, Street beat up peopletogether to share car brand culture, personality Kuju information,new car test drive experience.
创业周刊 1.0.0
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经营管理者 1.0.0
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环球人物 2.0.1
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《环球人物》杂志由人民日报社主管、主办,是国内唯一具有全球视野的人物类杂志,也是最具权威性和影响力的时政类期刊之一。2006年创刊以来,《环球人物》杂志始终秉承“讲述读者关心的人和事背后的故事”的内容定位,追求权威细腻、朴实生动的报道风格,先后采访了包括美国总统奥巴马在内的十多位国家元首或政府首脑,报道了百余位世界级政商名人,受到国内外媒体的广泛关注。为读者反映全球时事,解读人生智慧;为客户提供优质平台,宣传企业品牌。这是我们一如既往的办刊理念和目标。新版环球人物Android_2.0.0华丽登场,焕然一新的UI界面,与众不同的交互体验,依然精彩的杂志内容,还等什么,拿起手机赶快下载吧!"Universal People"magazine by the head of the People's Daily, the organizer, is theonly character with a global vision of the magazine is the mostauthoritative and influential political affairs journals.Since founded in 2006, "Universal People" magazine has alwaysbeen adhering to the "tells the reader care about the people andevents behind the story," the contents of the location, the pursuitof authority delicate, earthy lively reporting style, hasinterviewed, including U.S. President Barack Obama, including morethan a dozen Heads of State or Government, reported that more thana hundred world-class business and political celebrities, bydomestic and international media attention.For the reader to reflect global events, interpret life wisdom;provide customers with high-quality platform to promote thecorporate brand. This is our philosophy and objectives of runningas always.New Global People Android_2.0.0 gorgeous debut, brand new UIinterface, unique interactive experience, still wonderful magazinecontent, and so what, pick up the phone download it!
经济新闻周刊 1.0.0
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二次元狂热 2.0.3
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随时随地在手中的二次元世界!“二次元狂热”APP是结合《二次元狂热》系列刊物的内容和质量,不仅有杂志的精选内容,更有大量杂志上没有的即时信息,可以了解最新的动漫游戏动态,还有各种精美动漫游戏壁纸下载,原创动漫欣赏,展会活动信息以及动漫相关优惠券。Anywhere in the hands ofthe second element of the world! "The second element fanaticism"APP is a combination of content and quality, "the second elementFever" series of publications, not only the selection of thecontent of the magazine, there is no more immediate information ona large number of magazines, you can learn about the latestanimation and game dynamics, as well as a variety of exquisiteanimation game wallpaper download, original animation shows,exhibitions and anime-related event information coupons.
新晚报 1.0.0
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觉醒字幕组 1.0.0
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世界报 1.0.0
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北京商报 2.0.1
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新闻启迪才智——北京商报新闻:您通过手机就可以了解北京地区最新的商业资讯及信息,《北京商报》新闻涵盖8个版块,热点、深度、评论、政经、商经、产经、财经、国际。《北京商报》综合类经济新闻,及时性新闻与深度报道相结合,新闻评论与一线采访相结合,致力于为商务人士提供投资理财和商业信息服务。周刊:您通过手机就可以了解北京地区广泛的商业资讯,《北京商报》每天还推出若干新闻性周刊:如商业周刊、高端旅游周刊、时尚周刊、美食周刊、家居周刊、区域周刊、文化创意产业周刊、理财周刊、投资周刊、中国当代艺术周刊、中国书画周刊、汽车周刊、楼市周刊等。图片:您通过手机就可以了解北京的新闻图片及业态资讯图片,您还可以点击放大图片,收藏或分享相关信息。微博:哪里有您最喜欢商业资讯,哪里有您最想了解的商业信息,你都可以通过微博绑定,转发并分享北京商报的新闻资讯及行业动态。还可以通过互动参与北京商报的各种活动。News enlightenedintellect - Beijing DailyNews:You can learn through the mobile phone in Beijing the latestbusiness information and information "Beijing Daily" news coveringeight sections, hot, depth, review, political and economic,business economics, production economics, finance, international."Beijing Daily" Comprehensive Economic News, timeliness newscombined with depth reports, news, reviews and interviews withfront-line combination of business professionals dedicated toproviding investment banking and commercial informationservices.Weekly:You can understand through the mobile phone in Beijing extensivebusiness information, "Beijing Daily" also introduced a number ofdaily news-oriented magazine: eg Business Week, high-end tourismmagazine, fashion magazine, gourmet magazine, Home magazine, theregional weekly, weekly cultural and creative industries ,financial weekly investment magazine, Chinese contemporary artmagazine, Chinese painting and calligraphy weekly car magazine, theproperty magazine and so on.Picture:You can learn about Beijing through mobile phone news pictures andpicture format, you can click to enlarge the picture, collection orsharing of relevant information.Microblogging:Where is your favorite business information you want to know wherebusiness information, you can bind through the micro-Bo, forwardand share information and news Beijing Daily News. You can alsointeract with the various activities involved in Beijing Daily.
创业融资指南 1.0.2
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瞭望 1.0.4
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《瞭望》新媒体给你权威的新闻洞察力《瞭望》手机客户端,是新华社《瞭望》新闻周刊在移动互联平台上的官方新闻信息服务终端。作为中国大陆首家同时也是目前发行量最大的新闻周刊,《瞭望》在中国政经新闻领域拥有权威的新闻资源和高端影响力。本客户端在完整展现《瞭望》既有优势的同时,全方位打造掌上互联时代的权威资讯服务平台。功能介绍:新闻:有观点的新闻,即时更新。碎片化时代,给你深度和洞察力。刊物:《瞭望》新闻周刊+《瞭望》手机杂志。独家内容,原版呈现,精彩内容不可错过。视界:精致组图,美好的视觉盛宴。交互:精心设计,希望给你最舒适自然的手机阅读体验。"Outlook" new mediaGive you insight authoritative news"Outlook" mobile client, the Xinhua News Agency "Outlook"Newsweek mobile Internet platform on the official news andinformation service terminal. As the first in mainland China isalso currently the largest circulation of Newsweek, "Outlook" hasauthoritative news sources and high-end Chinese influence in thefield of political and economic news. The clients in the full show"Outlook" existing strengths, while the authority to create acomprehensive information service platform for handheld Internetera.Features:News: The view of the news, real-time updates. Fragmentation of thetimes, to give you the depth and insight.Publications: "Outlook" Newsweek + "lookout" Mobile Magazine.Exclusive content, original show, exciting content not to bemissed.Vision: Exquisite Photos, wonderful visual feast.Interaction: well-designed, naturally want to give you the mostcomfortable mobile reading experience.
生命时报 2.0.2
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2003年,突如其来的非典病毒让中国人对健康知识的渴求空前高涨,抓住这个契机,一份由人民日报社主管、环球时报社主办的大众健康周报——《生命时报》创刊了。她秉承了环球时报权威、翔实、通俗的特点,放眼国际,关注民生,开始了健康传播事业的勇敢探索。9年来,生命时报与中国的20名院士、36位医疗营养学界权威专家、40多家政府机构、300多家三甲医院医生、500多位驻外记者一起,打造了一个坚实的大众健康教育平台,在公众健康教育领域树立起独特性与权威性。心怀良知、科学为上,是生命时报的立报之魂;开拓创新、努力奋斗,则是其发展的保证。为了更便捷的将健康资讯带到读者的身边,生命时报客户端正式上线,时尚简洁的页面设计,按照不同领域的话题进行清晰的版块划分,利用最新的技术手段,为使用者带来全新的手机阅读体验。拥有生命时报客户端即拥有了自己的专属健康顾问。2003, as the SARS virusso that Chinese people thirst for knowledge on health than everbefore, to seize this opportunity, one by the competent People'sDaily, the global public health when the weekly newspaper sponsored- "Life Times" published it. She inherits the Global Times,authoritative, informative, popular features, international look,people's livelihood, health communication career began braveexploration.9 years, Life Times and China's 20 academicians, 36 academicmedical nutrition experts, more than 40 government agencies, morethan 300 top three hospital doctors, along with more than 500foreign correspondents, to build a solid platform for public healtheducation In the field of public health, education and establish aunique and authoritative. Hearts and conscience, science, and isthe life of the soul Times newspaper stand; innovation, work hard,it is a guarantee of its development.In order to be more convenient health information to the reader'sside, Life Times client formally launched, concise fashion pagedesign, according to the different areas of the forum topicsclearly divided, using the latest techniques, to bring new usersmobile reading experience. Life Times client that has had its ownexclusive health consultant.
中国周刊 1.0.7
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中国周刊手机客户端集《中国周刊》精彩杂志于一身,将精美图片、封面故事、人物专访等重点栏目整合发布,读者将免费阅读到《中国周刊》杂志最精彩的文章以及最新动态,让《中国周刊》与您越来越近。China Weekly mobileclient collection "China Week" magazine was a wonderful, beautifulpictures will be the cover story, interviews and other key sectionsintegrated release, the reader will be free to read the "ChinaWeek" magazine articles, and the most exciting recent developments,so that " China Week "with you getting closer.
东南商报 2.0.2
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“东南商报”安卓客户端是东南商报社专为安卓用户量身定做的新闻阅读应用。本应用分为要闻时事(时政、财经、社会)、生活休闲(网事、文体、情感、影讯)、画报3个内容模块和1个爆料模块。用户可以在内容模块中获取以宁波本地为主的即时资讯,也可以通过爆料模块,将你身边发生的新闻通过照片和文字的形式向我们爆料。最后,感谢您的关注!"Southeast Business"Android client is the Southeast Business Daily tailoredspecifically for Android users newsreader applications. Thisapplication is divided into News Newsletter (current affairs,finance, social), life and leisure (net thing, stylistic,emotional, telecine), Illustrated three content modules and onebroke modules. Users can get the local content modules toNingbo-based real-time information, you can also broke the newsmodule, the news happening around you broke the news to us throughphotos and text form. Finally, thank you for your attention!
快看科普 1.0.2
Palm Trends
以活泼的语言传达国内外最新的科普趣闻,汇集、聚焦了当下热门的科学议题,凭借更直观的图、文方式诠释大自然的奥秘,将高深、繁杂的科学知识寓于简单、有趣的生活实践里。在这里,你可以与大家共同畅谈科学,张扬科学的思维生活方式,让生活更加妙趣横生。新知:囊括新近发生或者发现的科学资讯。主要含有科学家的最新研究成果或者观点,还会有一些生活小常识或者是一段有趣的科普小故事,寓科学于生活。聚焦:当下的热门议题,介绍一系列的科学原理运作过程,一些不为人知的万物奥秘,以及对未来科学的展望,让大众更容易理解和记忆科学知识。科普图吧:包括大自然中动植物的存在方式以及星空摄影,以及一些科普爱好者的摄影作品以及体验日记。互动:官方微博的展示,以及其他媒体优秀APP、网站推荐。With lively language toconvey the latest science interesting and abroad, bringingtogether, the current focus of popular science topics, with a moreintuitive view of the manner interpretation of the mysteries ofnature, will be profound, complex scientific knowledge resides in asimple, interesting life practice inside. Here, you can talk witheveryone together science, scientific thinking unassuminglifestyle, make life more fun.Awakening: include scientific information recently occurred ordiscovery. Scientists mainly contains the latest research resultsor view, there will be some lifestyle tips or science is aninteresting little story, blending science in life.Focus: current hot topics, introduce the principle of operationof a series of scientific, some of the mysteries of all thingsunknown, and vision for the future of science, so that the publicis easier to understand and remember scientific knowledge.Science Stock: flora and fauna, including nature of existenceand the sky photography, as well as some science and photographyenthusiasts to experience diary.Interactive: official microblogging show, as well as other mediaoutstanding APP, the site recommendation.
城市晚报 1.1.0
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西安新闻网 1.0.1
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瞭望东方周刊 1.1.0
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文史参考 1.0.3
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《文史参考》手机客户端是人民日报社《文史参考》杂志专为手机用户打造的人文资讯阅读平台。立足时事热点,钩沉历史秘闻,纵横古今中外,立志为学术界搭建话语平台,为新锐者提供思想阵地,为文史爱好者打造一个高品质的精神家园。1、全面、独家的人文历史资讯发布最新娱乐资讯、书情书讯、人文轶事等;纵横中外,挖掘历史秘闻,集图志、微博、往事、人物、电影、风物、国宝、军事、财富和专栏等于一体。2、高清大图,视觉呈现众多独家首发的历史图片,展现经典历史瞬间。同时具历史价值和收藏价值的珍贵图片 ,带来不一样的视觉体验。3、一键分享,便捷互动随时随地了解人文资讯,分享图文;内容实时更新,一次安装,尽享所有内容!
亲子 1.0.1
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意林 1.0.5
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意林官方的客户端,兼容Android、IOS操作系统。为读者提供手机版意林阅读。原汁原味的意林风格,更新鲜、更迅速、更时尚、更便捷的阅读体验!本软件完全免费。The YLI official client,compatible with Android, IOS operating system. Provide readers withthe YLI reading of the Mobile. Authentic Italian forest style, morefresh, more quickly, more stylish, more convenient readingexperience! The software is completely free of charge.
新商务周刊 2.0.1
Palm Trends
《新商务周刊》是海峡出版发行集团主管、新商务周刊传媒发展有限公司出品的全新商业新闻深度报道周刊,于2012年8月6日正式创刊面市。《新商务周刊》探求商业逻辑,寻找成长中国的商业伦理,为新一代中国创富者提供有价值的商业报道及分析。它力图做“有温度的商业新闻”,呈现给读者一本“有价值、有思想、有情怀”的刊物。《新商务周刊》手机客户端是集《新商务周刊》杂志内容和官方微博内容于一身,栏目包括报道、商业、深读、专栏等,在这里您可以免费阅读到《新商务周刊》杂志最精彩的文章以及以往的经典报道,可以通过杂志官方微博的及时更新而了解当下的新闻热点和动态。"New Business Weekly" isin charge of the issue of the Straits Publishing Group, a new depthreports weekly business news magazine New Media BusinessDevelopment Co., Ltd. produced, on August 6, 2012 was officiallyinaugurated available. "New Business Week" to explore businesslogic, looking to grow China business ethics, providing valuablebusiness reports and analysis for the new generation of Chinese whocreate wealth. It seeks to do "with a temperature of BusinessNews", presented to the reader a "valuable, thinking, feeling," thepublication."New Business Weekly" mobile client is a "New Business Week"magazine official microblogging content and content in one, sectioncontains reports, commercial, deep reading, columns, etc., whereyou can read free to "New Business Week" magazine The most excitingclassical articles and previous reports, can be updated through theofficial magazine microblogging hot news and understanding themoment and dynamic.
数码世界 1.0.0
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现代家庭报 1.0.2
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联合时空 1.0.1
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兵器杂志 1.0.0
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【媒体简介】《兵器》杂志——引领中国军事传媒新潮流!《兵器》杂志由中国兵器工业集团主管、中国兵器科学研究院主办,是国内第一本全彩印刷的国防军事类科普期刊,它以独特的新闻视角,强烈的视觉冲击,引领中国军事传媒新潮流!《兵器》杂志APP现已强势登陆,军迷们,赶快下载,即刻体验战场上的热血澎湃!【功能说明】军情军闻——开辟热点追踪、中国视点、战争风云、军迷天地等栏目,精选全球军事要闻、汇聚古今著名战例,用最客观的笔触、最独特的视角、最精彩的图片第一时间为您带来权威军事资讯,满足您对于军事的一切好奇和期待!好书畅读——每期为您推荐《兵器》精品杂志好书,享受新媒体杂志阅读带给您的全新体验!军迷互动——我是军迷我做主,实时微博、微话题竞猜、在线评论等等,丰富的互动形式等待您的参与!栏目切换——沉稳大气的用户界面设计,配以轮盘式的一级栏目导航及触发式交互效果,专属于“兵器杂志”客户端和热爱军事的您!Introduction[media]"Weapon" magazine - Leading Chinese military media trend!"Weapon" magazine by the China North Industries Group Head, ChineseAcademy of Sciences organized weapons, is the first full-colorprinting defense and military class science journals, it is aunique news perspective, a strong visual impact, leading theChinese military new media trend!"Weapon" magazine APP has a strong landing, military buffs, quicklydownload instantly experience the surging blood on the battlefield![Function]Military Military News - opened hot track, Chinese viewpoint, thewar situation, Army fans world, such as columns, the selection ofglobal military news, brought together past and present famousbattles, with the most objective strokes, the most uniqueperspective, the most wonderful pictures first time to bring youauthoritative military information to satisfy all your curiosityand for the military look!Smooth reading books - each to recommend "weapon" boutiquemagazines books and enjoy reading the new media magazine brings youa new experience!Army fans Interactive - I am the master of military fans, real-timemicroblogging, topic quizzes, online reviews, etc., richinteractive forms waiting for your participation!Column Switch - calm atmosphere user interface design, withroulette-style Navigation and triggered an interactive effect,exclusive "weapons magazine" military client and your love!
广告主杂志 1.0.1
Palm Trends
以《广告主》杂志为依托,汇集最新营销传播思想、事件和实践,为营销传播人士提供一流的新闻资讯、实战经验与前沿新知。● 营销资讯最新鲜的营销资讯、最先进的营销理念、最丰富的营销知识这里全涵盖!● 营销专题深度透视业内的热点事件和典型案例● 杂志精选精心挑选新近《广告主》杂志的优秀文章,在信息大爆炸的时代为读者筛选出最具价值的内容。
八周娱乐 1.1.1
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全球军事文摘 1.0.1
Palm Trends
《全球军事文摘》手机客户端,每天精选国内外军事热点,为广大军迷fans提供最及时、最新鲜、最精彩的军事资讯,前沿军情动态,一手掌控!还等什么,赶快下载体验!【栏目说明】军情速递——每日更新军事热点资讯,第一时间掌握军情动态。深度观察——精选热门军事话题,邀专家带您一道用全新的视角看问题。战史回放——博古通缉,以史为鉴,和您一起探秘军史背后的故事。军事图库——网罗优质军事热图,图文并茂,带给您强烈的视觉冲击。"Global MilitaryDigest"mobile client, selected domestic and international militaryhot dayfor the majority of fans fans provide the most timely,freshest,most exciting military information, cutting-edge militarydynamic,single-handedly control! So what, quickly downloadexperience!【Description】 columnMilitary Courier - updated daily military's hot, the first timetograsp the military dynamics.Depth observation - Featured hot military topics, inviteexpertsbring you a whole new perspective with the problem.War History Playback - Bogut wanted, learn from history,militaryhistory with you the story behind the Quest.Military Gallery - military recruit quality heatmaps,illustrations, bring you a strong visual impact.
徽商移动端 1.1.0
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男生女生 1.0.2
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数码设计 1.0.1
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中国文摘 2.0.3
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“指掌间的经济时评”——《中国文摘》(iDigest)中国外文局倾力研发中国报道杂志社荣誉出品内容围绕中国经济话题,摘选国内外媒体精彩评论,提炼全球智库核心观点,重视一手数据和原创视觉,同时兼顾时政、融合时尚,旨在为海内外关心中国经济发展的政商人士、知本阶层,提供轻松阅读和深度谈资。The hands of theEconomicCommentary "-" Digest "(iDigest)Chinese Foreign Language Bureau effort to researchanddevelopmentChina Report magazine ProducedContent around the topic of China's economy, excerptwonderfulreview of domestic and foreign media, refining the coreideas ofthe global think tank, emphasis on first-hand data andoriginalvision, taking into account current affairs, the fusion offashion,aimed at political and business people concerned aboutChina'seconomic development at home and abroad, notified to theclass ,easy to read and depth talk about.
vista看天下 1.0.7
Palm Trends
《Vista看天下》是中国期刊市场上,唯一面向高消费人群的新闻类杂志,也是全球华文媒体BPA认证市场发行量最大的新闻期刊。我们立志做“中国最好看的新闻杂志”,通过最犀利、最好看的新闻角度,为您呈现不一样的故事内涵,杂志的内容主要涵盖中国、环球、封面故事、财经、社会、娱乐、文化、生活、专栏等领域,将过去10天发生在全球的最精彩故事呈送给广大读者。《vista看天下》客户端在内容方面同样提供与纸刊精彩的内容报道,除主要的封面故事、时政、财经、娱乐、文化、生活等栏目外,同时还提供浮世绘、天下看点、图说天下等子栏目报道,通过说新闻、讲故事,用看天下模式的独特眼光为您讲述最新发生的精彩故事。"Vista to see theworld"is the Chinese journals on the market only for high-classconsumergroups news magazine, is the world Chinese media BPAcertificationmarket with the largest circulation newsletter. Weaspire to do"the best looking Chinese news magazine" through themosttrenchant, best looking angle on the news, to present youadifferent story content, magazine primarily coversChina,Universal, cover story, financial, social, recreational ,culture,life, columns and other areas, will take place over thepast 10days the most exciting story in the world presentedtoreaders."Vista to see the world," the client in terms of content andthepaper also provides exciting content published reports, inadditionto the main cover story, current affairs, finance,entertainment,culture, life and other columns, but also providesUkiyo-e, theworld Aspect, drawings world and other sub-sectionsreported bysaying news stories, see the world with a unique visionmode foryour wonderful story about what's happening.
数字通讯 2.2.0
Palm Trends
《数字通讯》是全国发行量最大的手机杂志,官方版Android客户端不仅提供了精选的每期的杂志内容,还有编辑精选的每日手机行业资讯以及市场行情、玩机技巧等等。让您随时随地与数字通讯杂志亲密接触,了解手机资讯。"Digital communication"isthe country's largest circulation Mobile magazine, officialAndroidclient not only provides a selection of each issue of themagazinecontent, edit a selection of daily mobile phone industryinformationand market conditions, play skills, etc. . Wherever youare inintimate contact with the digital communications magazine,know yourphone information.
三晋都市报 1.0.1
Palm Trends
三晋都市报客户端是以山西省首家综合性都市类报纸、山西日报报业集团重要子报三晋都市报为基础,以新闻、时评、影像、周刊、微博等版块将三晋都市报的内容重新打造后呈现在客户端上,使读者能够在移动终端上及时获得所需资讯。Shanxi SanjinMetropolisclient is first comprehensive metropolitan newspapers,DailyNewspaper Group in Shanxi Sanjin Metropolis Dailyreportedsignificant sub-based, news, commentary, video,magazine,microblogging and other forum will Sanjin City After thecontentsof the report presented to re-create on the client, so thatreaderscan get on a mobile terminal in a timely manner therequiredinformation.
环球杂志 1.0.0
Palm Trends
父母必读 2.1.0
Palm Trends
我们致力于按照宝宝年龄为您提供最精准的育儿信息,包括孕期、婴儿、幼儿各阶段的健康护理、营养辅食、早教心理、家庭关系等资讯,并为您提供一对一的个性化成长手册服-务。● 育儿资讯--------------------最前沿的孕婴资讯、最时尚的育儿理念、最丰富的孕育知识、最科学的养育指导,这里全涵盖!● 养育专题--------------------健康、教育、心理,每周都有不一样的视角。● 个性宝宝--------------------每一个宝宝都是独特的。只要填写您宝宝的生日(预产期),每天就会有与您的宝宝生长发育同步的营养保健、健康指导、教育心理、产后护理……个性化成长手册,宝宝的成长离不开它。● 微博互动--------------------随时关注父母必读官方微博最新动态、查看最新活动,并在微博上即时互动。《父母必读》杂志,唯一一个连续3次获得国家期刊奖的育儿杂志。从生命的新起点到每一个关键期,全程养育顾问。以人文精神,分享多彩养育文化;以科学态度,引领智慧育儿生活。心理、教育、健康,国内外知名的、经验丰富的专家是杂志科学性、权威性、实用性的保证。孩子、家庭、社会,精挑细选的养育资讯,帮助父母乐享的轻松育儿生活。贴心、实在的帮助,独特的育儿观念与视角,陪伴孩子,陪伴家庭,共同成长。北京承启文化传播有限公司重庆掌脉科技有限公司 开发制作We are committedinaccordance with the age of the baby you the mostaccurateinformation about parenting, including pregnancy, babies,toddlersvarious stages of health care, nutrition, feeding, earlychildhoodpsychology, information such as family relationships, andprovideyou with one on one personalized Growth Manual clothing-Services.● parenting information--------------------Infants and pregnant forefront of information, the mostfashionableparenting philosophy, the most abundant breedingknowledge, mostscientific parenting guide, here are allcovered!● parenting topics--------------------Health, education, psychology, every week adifferentperspective.● Personalized baby--------------------Every baby is unique. Simply fill out your child'sbirthday(pre-production period), there will be a day with yourbaby'sgrowth and development of synchronous nutrition and health,healthguidance, educational psychology, post-natal care......personalized grow manual, the baby can not survivewithoutit.● microblogging interaction--------------------Stay Parent Handbook official microblogging updates, view thelatestevents and real-time interaction in microblogging."Parents must read" magazine, only 3 consecutive NationalJournalAward of parenting magazines. From the start to the new lifeofeach key, the entire parenting consultant.In human spirit, to share parenting and colorful culture;scientificattitude, leading the life of parenting wisdom.Psychology, education, health, well-known andexperiencedspecialists is a magazine scientific, authoritative,practicalguarantee.Children, family, social, carefully selected parentinginformationto help parents live music to enjoy the relaxedparenting.Intimate, real help, parenting ideas and uniqueperspectives,accompany children to accompany the family, and growtogether.Beijing Culture Communication Co., Ltd. ChaintechChongqing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Development palmvein
劳动报 1.1.1
Palm Trends
《劳动报》官方客户端。这款应用的特色功能有——维权查询:权威的劳动维权资料库,法律、案例、解析尽在其中。客户端在手,您自己就是维权专家。新鲜资讯:最精选的报道、最即时的新闻、最独特的专题,实时发布到您的客户端上。专家答疑:您有任何关于劳动维权的疑问,通过客户端反馈给我们,我们的劳动法专家与法务团队免费为您解答。"Labor News"officialclient. This application features have -Rights inquiries: authoritative database of labor rights,legal,case, parsing all in one. Client in hand, you yourself arerightsexperts.   Fresh information: The most selectionofreports, the most immediate news, the most unique themes,real-timepublishing to your client.Expert Q & A: Do you have any questions about laborrightsthrough client feedback to us, our labor law expert andforensicteams free to answer your questions.
英才杂志 1.1.2
Palm Trends
一本专注报道主流经济人物的管理实践和管理思想,推动中国经济管理思想进步的高端经济人物杂志独家 独家第一手的面对面采访,以独特的视角为您带来领袖公司战略布局和产业发展方向的逻辑解析。投资通过对能影响资本市场的领袖人物及公司在重大的投融资活动,经营战略调整,控制权变更,投资者关系问题等方面的深入报道。强调对资本市场的趋势性判断与把握。感悟 探寻商业领袖及商业名人的生活体验,记录最丰富的精神思索、心灵独白。英才圈 最高端的财经会议,最新的圈中动态,体验最高端的“英才圈”带来的价值收获。微博 一个全方位的交互平台,交换思想、交换价值。A focus onfiguresreported in the mainstream economy management practicesandmanagement thinking, and promote China's economic advancementofhigh-end management thinking People magazineExclusive hand-to-face interviews exclusive to bring you auniqueperspective layout and industry leaders in corporatestrategydevelopment direction of the logic resolution.Can affect investment through capital markets and corporateleaderson major investment and financing activities, businessstrategyadjustment, change of control, investor relations and otheraspectsof in-depth coverage. Emphasis on the capital market trendjudgmentand grasp.Explore business leaders and business sentiment celebritylifeexperience, recording the most abundant spiritualthinking,spiritual monologue.Circle of excellence most high-end financial conference, thelatestdynamic circle, experience the most high-end of the "circleofexcellence" to bring the value of the harvest.Microblogging a comprehensive interactive platform toexchangeideas, exchange value.